Media Tycoon Rupert Murdoch Marries for Fifth Time

Media tycoon Rupert Murdoch has married for a fifth time in a ceremony at his Californian vineyard. The 93-year-old mogul tied the knot on Saturday with his new wife, Elena Zhukova, 67, a retired Russian biologist. This union comes after a whirlwind romance that began shortly after Murdoch’s engagement to ex-police chaplain Ann Lesley Smith was abruptly called off in April 2023.Media Tycoon Rupert Murdoch Marries for Fifth Time

A New Chapter in Murdoch’s Personal Life

Mr. Murdoch’s latest marriage adds a new chapter to his storied personal and professional life. Australian-born Murdoch, who has six children, holds the title of chairman emeritus of News Corporation, a global media conglomerate that includes Fox News, the Wall Street Journal, the Sun, and the Times. He stepped down as chairman of Fox and News Corp last year, with his son Lachlan taking over the helm of both companies.

Murdoch and Ms. Zhukova reportedly met at a party hosted by one of his ex-wives, Chinese-born entrepreneur Wendi Deng. Deng, known for her dynamic presence in the business world, was Murdoch’s third wife. His other former spouses include Australian flight attendant Patricia Booker, Scottish-born journalist Anna Mann, and US model and actress Jerry Hall. Rupert Murdoch has married for the fifth time at the age of 93. The media mogul tied the knot with Elena Zhukova, a 67-year-old retired molecular biologist, at a wedding at Moraga, his vineyard and estate in California.

Elena Zhukova: The New Bride

Elena Zhukova brings her own notable background to this marriage. Previously married to Russian oil billionaire Alexander Zhukov, Ms. Zhukova is a respected retired biologist. Her daughter, Dasha Zhukova, a socialite and businesswoman, was married to Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich until their divorce in 2017.

Murdoch’s Media Empire

Rupert Murdoch’s career in media is nothing short of legendary. He began his journey in Australia in the 1950s and made a significant impact by acquiring the News of the World and the Sun newspapers in the UK in 1969. His expansion continued with the purchase of several US publications, including the New York Post and the Wall Street Journal. In 1996, Murdoch launched Fox News, which has since become the most-watched TV news channel in the United States.

Through News Corp, founded in 2013, Murdoch remains a powerful figure in global media, overseeing hundreds of local, national, and international outlets. His influence spans across various media platforms, making him one of the most significant figures in the industry.

Controversies and Challenges

Murdoch’s career has not been without controversy. One of the most damaging incidents was the notorious UK phone-hacking scandal. It emerged that the News of the World had listened to the voicemails of murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler, sparking public outrage and leading to the newspaper’s closure in 2011. This scandal significantly impacted Murdoch’s reputation and the operations of his media empire.

Stepping Back and Passing the Torch

In September of the previous year, Rupert Murdoch announced he was stepping back from his leading role in his media empire. This decision marked the end of an era, as he handed over the reins to his son, Lachlan Murdoch. Rupert took on the role of Chairman Emeritus of both Fox and News Corp, allowing him to stay involved in a more advisory capacity while his son navigates the future of the companies.

A Legacy of Influence

Murdoch’s impact on the media landscape is profound. His acquisitions and business strategies have shaped the way news is consumed globally. From traditional print newspapers to influential television networks, Murdoch’s vision has left an indelible mark on the industry.

His marriages and personal relationships have often been the subject of media attention, adding a layer of public intrigue to his already high-profile life. With his latest marriage to Elena Zhukova, Rupert Murdoch continues to be a figure of interest, not just for his business acumen but also for his dynamic personal life.


Rupert Murdoch’s fifth marriage to Elena Zhukova marks another significant milestone in his eventful life. As he continues to influence the media world through his strategic roles and vast media holdings, his personal journey remains intertwined with his professional legacy. The story of Rupert Murdoch is one of ambition, influence, and resilience, reflecting a lifetime of remarkable achievements and dramatic turns.

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