Rebecca Grossman to Serve 15 Years to Life for Running Down 2 Young Boys

An Emotion-Packed Hearing and a Heartbreaking Verdict

In a deeply emotional hearing held on Monday in Van Nuys, Rebecca Grossman, co-founder of the Grossman Burn Foundation, was sentenced to 15 years to life in prison. Grossman was convicted for running down two young boys who were crossing a street in Westlake Village with their family. The incident, which has left an indelible mark on the community, culminated in a sentence that many see as both a resolution and a reminder of the tragedy that unfolded.

Judge’s Decision and the Sentence

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Joseph Brandolino presided over the case, ultimately rejecting a prosecution request that sought a 34 years to life sentence. The judge stated that such a lengthy term was “just not warranted here.” He acknowledged the “unimaginable loss” suffered by the family of the victims, Mark and Jacob Iskander, aged 11 and 8, but also took into account Grossman’s previously clean criminal record and her history of philanthropic activities. The judge noted that while Grossman’s behavior after the crash was “incredibly selfish,” it did not portray her as a monster as the prosecution suggested. Rebecca Grossman, a wealthy California socialite and philanthropist, was sentenced Monday to 15 years to life in prison for the deaths of two young brothers in a Los Angeles crosswalk in 2020.

Details of the Conviction

Rebecca Grossman, who will turn 61 on Friday, was convicted on February 23rd of several charges:

  • Two counts of second-degree murder
  • Two counts of vehicular manslaughter with gross negligence
  • One count of hit-and-run driving

The tragic incident occurred on September 29, 2020, when Mark and Jacob Iskander were struck while crossing a street with their parents. Following the jury’s verdict, the judge ordered Grossman to be taken into custody immediately, denying a request by her attorney for her to remain free on a $2 million bond while awaiting sentencing.

Community Reaction and Impact

The sentencing has evoked a range of emotions within the Westlake Village community. The Iskander family has been at the heart of this tragedy, and their pain was palpable during the hearing. Community members have rallied around them, offering support and seeking justice for the loss of the young boys. The case has also drawn significant media attention, highlighting issues of road safety and accountability.

The Legacy of Mark and Jacob Iskander

Mark and Jacob Iskander’s tragic deaths have led to increased awareness and advocacy for road safety measures. The community has called for stricter enforcement of traffic laws and more significant penalties for reckless driving. In memory of the boys, several initiatives have been launched, including fundraising efforts to support road safety programs and the establishment of memorials to honor their lives.

Rebecca Grossman’s Background and Philanthropic Work

Before the tragic incident, Rebecca Grossman was well-regarded for her philanthropic efforts. As co-founder of the Grossman Burn Foundation, she was involved in numerous charitable activities aimed at helping burn victims and improving community health. This aspect of her life was highlighted during the trial, with many noting her significant contributions to society. However, the gravity of her actions on that fateful day in September 2020 overshadowed her previous good deeds, leading to the severe sentence handed down by the court.

The Role of Philanthropy in the Court’s Decision

Judge Brandolino’s acknowledgment of Grossman’s philanthropic history played a part in his decision to impose a 15 years to life sentence rather than the 34 years to life sought by the prosecution. He noted that while her actions were “selfish” and had devastating consequences, her past contributions to society could not be entirely overlooked. This nuanced view aimed to balance justice for the victims with recognition of Grossman’s prior positive impact on the community.

Legal Perspectives and Future Implications

The case has sparked discussions among legal experts regarding sentencing guidelines and the factors that should be considered in such severe cases. The balance between punishment and rehabilitation, the role of a defendant’s past behavior, and the impact of their actions are all critical elements that come into play in sentencing decisions.

Debate on Sentencing Length

The debate over the appropriate length of Grossman’s sentence reflects broader societal questions about justice and accountability. Some argue that the 15 years to life sentence is too lenient given the gravity of the offense, while others believe that her previous clean record and philanthropic contributions justify a more measured approach. This case may influence future sentencing in similar cases, potentially leading to a re-evaluation of how past behavior and community contributions are weighed against criminal actions.


The sentencing of Rebecca Grossman to 15 years to life in prison marks the end of a highly publicized and emotionally charged case. It serves as a somber reminder of the tragedy that claimed the lives of Mark and Jacob Iskander and the lasting impact on their family and community. While the sentence aims to provide a measure of justice, it also underscores the complexities involved in balancing punishment with recognition of past contributions.

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