Mexicans Vote in Election Likely to See First Woman President

Mexicans are voting in an election which is almost certain to see the country’s first female president elected.

Mexicans are casting their ballots in a historic election poised to elect the country’s first female president. With two prominent female candidates leading the race, this election marks a significant moment in Mexico’s political landscape.

Key Candidates in the Election

Claudia Sheinbaum and Xóchitl Gálvez are far ahead in the polls of the only male candidate, Jorge Álvarez Máynez. Sheinbaum, a 61-year-old scientist and former mayor of Mexico City, is supported by outgoing President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. Gálvez, also 61, is a senator and businesswoman chosen by a coalition of parties aiming to end the rule of the Morena party.

Claudia Sheinbaum’s Campaign

Sheinbaum’s campaign has been significantly bolstered by López Obrador’s endorsement. Despite the outgoing president’s unfulfilled promises, his efforts to reduce poverty and assist elderly citizens have garnered popularity. Sheinbaum emphasizes her independence while promising to build on López Obrador’s achievements. Her party, Morena, highlights the reduction in poverty and the doubling of the minimum wage as key accomplishments.

Xóchitl Gálvez’s Challenge

Gálvez, running for the Strength and Heart for Mexico coalition, has focused on criticizing the rising violence and López Obrador’s “hugs not bullets” strategy. She promises to confront crime with better pay for police and increased security investment. Gálvez has also pledged to strengthen institutions weakened by López Obrador, such as the constitutional court and the National Electoral Institute. Her criticism of the president’s authoritarian tendencies and undermining of democratic institutions has resonated with voters.

Election Context and Challenges

This election is not just about choosing a president; Mexicans are also voting for all members of Congress, governors in eight states, and the head of Mexico City’s government. However, the campaign has been marred by violent attacks, with over 20 local candidates killed according to government reports, though private surveys suggest the number may be as high as 37. The violence has cast a shadow over the election, raising concerns about the safety and security of the electoral process.

The Road Ahead

Polls will close at 01:00 BST (18:00 local time), and the winning candidate will assume office at the end of September. The outcome of this election will not only make history but also shape the future of Mexico’s political and social landscape.

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