Nicole Brown Simpson’s Sisters Break Their Silence Over O.J.’s Death: ‘It’s Very Complicated’ (Exclusive)

The three sisters of Nicole Brown Simpson are breaking their silence on the recent death of O.J. Simpson. In an exclusive interview with PEOPLE, they shared their complex emotions following his death on April 10th, 2024.

A Tumultuous Relationship

When O.J. Simpson succumbed to cancer at the age of 76, the Brown family experienced a whirlwind of emotions. Tanya Brown, 54, Dominique Brown, 59, and the eldest, Denise Brown, 66, had mixed reactions. “It’s very complicated,” says Dominique, speaking to PEOPLE in their issue on newsstands this Friday.

Tanya reflects on the long, tumultuous history they shared with O.J. “This is a person who’s been in our life for a very long time, who wreaked havoc on our family. It’s like the end of a chapter,” she remarks. The sisters’ pain and confusion are deeply rooted in the tragic events that forever altered their lives.

The Night of June 12, 1994

On June 12, 1994, Nicole Brown Simpson, 35, and her friend, Ron Goldman, 25, were found brutally stabbed to death in the courtyard of her Brentwood, Los Angeles condominium. This horrific event led to what became known as the “Trial of the Century.” Although O.J. Simpson was acquitted of the double murders in October 1995, he was later found liable for the deaths in a 1997 wrongful-death lawsuit brought by the Brown and Goldman families.

Meeting O.J. Simpson

The sisters vividly remember the day Nicole introduced them to O.J. Simpson. Nicole, then 18 and an aspiring model and photographer, had met the then-married football star while working at a Los Angeles restaurant. “He was just her boyfriend to us,” says Dominique. The sisters were initially captivated by his charisma and fame.

Nicole invited her sisters to upstate New York to watch O.J. play for the Buffalo Bills. “He made a touchdown, and he looked up at all of us. I was like, ‘Wow, look at this guy. He’s amazing,’” recalls Dominique. However, their admiration soon turned to apprehension.

The Dark Side of O.J.

The sisters describe how the good times often turned bad with O.J. Denise recounts a disturbing incident after a game in New York. “All hell broke loose when we came home that night,” she says, recalling how O.J. “flipped out” over seeing Nicole kiss a mutual male friend on the cheek. “He had her upstairs in the bathroom crying. He said, ‘You embarrassed me.’” This pattern of control and abuse became a grim reality in Nicole’s life.

Nicole’s Motherhood Journey

When Nicole became pregnant with O.J.’s child, she was overjoyed. “It just opened her heart more,” says Dominique. Nicole believed that becoming a mother would change everything for the better. Nicole and O.J. shared two children, daughter Sydney, now 38, and son Justin, 35.

Living with the Pain

For the Brown sisters, the scars of Nicole’s murder and the subsequent legal battles have never fully healed. Denise, who has been a vocal advocate against domestic violence, continues to grapple with her sister’s loss. “We live with this every day,” she says.

Dominique adds, “It’s hard to reconcile the love we had for Nicole with the hatred we feel for O.J.” The sisters’ mixed emotions reflect the complex and painful legacy of Nicole’s life and death.

O.J. Simpson’s Legacy

O.J. Simpson’s death marks the end of a controversial and tumultuous life. For many, he will always be remembered as a football star and celebrity. However, for the Brown family, his legacy is inextricably linked with violence, control, and loss.

A Complicated Chapter Closed

The death of O.J. Simpson has brought a sense of closure to the Brown sisters, but it is far from a simple relief. Tanya sums it up: “It’s like the end of a chapter.” This chapter, filled with both public spectacle and private grief, has deeply affected the Brown family.

The sisters hope that sharing their story will keep Nicole’s memory alive and remind others of the importance of addressing and preventing domestic violence. They continue to honor Nicole’s legacy by advocating for victims and supporting organizations that fight against domestic abuse.

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